Peter Boswell - BACP registered Councellor and Gestalt Psychotherapist.

Some important ideas with regard to therapy

    Interestingly -and perhaps much to your surprise- research is showing that, the model of therapy that the therapist uses is less important than the therapeutic relationship you have with him or her, as it is within this relationship that healing actually takes place.

Part of the process is knowing that the therapy space is completely confidential, and  that therefore you have the reassurance that you can say anything to me as your therapist,  knowing that no-one will ever know what is said between us.

In this space you may vocalise ideas about yourself, or feelings you've had, or experiences you've undergone -or may like to undergo- that you've never acknowledged to anyone else in your life.

I often find that this in itself is most wonderfully liberating and healing for my clients.

What are the benefits of using my service?

Essentially, the benefit of using my service is that through our work together I can help you to LIVE your truth, rather than just to think it in your head.

Therapy provides you with the opportunity to explore how you really want to live your life, and then to try it out in reality, and see what the impact is on you.

You and I will continue to work on those aspects that you would like to refine, until your life is more suited to who you really are.


Who do I work with?

From my base in the village of Kilnwick in the East Riding of Yorkshire, I provide face-to-face counselling and psychotherapy services, and online using either Zoom or Google meet.

 I work with adults who are 18yrs old upwards, on both a  single or couples basis.

Please feel free to call me to discuss what is happening for you and what it is that you are looking for from therapy.

Click on the button below to find out in more detail what takes place in a session

In a world where we're constantly being told to 

Become something.  Develop into something.  Change into something. 

 Know this .......

You're something already.  Become what you are...